
With final preparations being made to the woodland of Dalkeith Country Park, first time event organizer James McCallum has secured a blood curdingly goulish list of prizes and ghastly Hallocross course features, to keep you all entertained for the Eve of all Hallows.

Headline sponsor will be Ian Brown from Brown Design and Build.

He has put in a load of funding for infrastructure of the event, so the course and spectacle will have as professional a feel to it as possible, but also to make your fright night in the dark and dank Dalkeith as safe and fun as possible.

Without the support of Ian and the Scottish trade and Cyclocross community, it would have been hard to pull this together. I want everyone to rock up in fancy dress, have a hoot, enjoy things like the Honey Stinger log jump and the Nightrider Steps. We will have loads of the course lit with glow sticks and have put together a safe, but tough course for the one hundred odd riders comented James.


Prize list is as below for both Male and Female...it is not all about winning, and there will be other little tricks and treats up for grabs during the evening.


1st - Oakley glasses, Mr Eions coffee Trophy, Bottle of Keglevavik vodka

2nd - £150 bike fit from Edinburgh Bike Fitting http://www.edinburghbikefitting.com/ Mr Eions coffee Trophy, Bottle of Keglevavik vodka

3rd - Pair of Cyclocross tyres Clement/ Vittoria and T-shirt from www.soulcycles.co.uk/ and https://www.gammatd.com

Fastest Male/Female £50 cash from R.A Cox Garage Equipment

Panache prize from http://www.meadowlarkyoga.com/ 5 free yoga classes and Yoga Matt.

Best Fancy dress - Case of Rekordilick cider and Special secret prize.

Hole shot prize of a Lazer helmet from StudioVelo Castle Douglas

1st V40+ and V50+ gets a £50 from Ronde Bike

Remember the gate to the Estate close at 7pm, and the race will creep and crawl away from the Brig of Doom at 7.30pm.

Even if you are not riding, get a lot to holler and make a spectyrcal of yourselves.


Auchentoshan Cross - Results
