2019 Scottish Cyclocross Champs

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Blue skies, bright sunshine and sub-zero temperatures meant that the weather was a dominant factor in the Scottish Cyclocross Championships at Knockburn Loch.

The icy conditions were a challenge for the Organisers, Commissaires and riders alike as the course was modified several times to make it rideable. Even then many riders struggled to stay upright and will have taken home more bruises than usual.

The conditions didn’t seem to phase Gary Macdonald who demonstrated exceptional bike handling skills (posting the fastest lap time of 6:30 !!), establishing a lead in the first lap that was never threatened to become the Scottish Senior Male Cyclocross Champion.

The battle behind was more intense with David Duggan and David Lines locked together for many laps before an unfortunate mechanical on the last lap put paid to David Duggan’s chances allowing Mark Scott to come through for third. David Lines doesn’t feature on the Podium as he was on the start line for the V40s race at the time! The male junior title, racing in the same race, was won by Corran Carrick-Anderson.

The women's race was equally exciting, with 5 categories racing in the same race. Four women were locked in battle in the early stages, with Isla Short pressing the pace on the front. Eventually Kerry MacPhee was distanced, leaving Isla Short, Eileen Roe and Anna Flynn to battle it out. In the end it was junior Anna Flynn who came out on top, using the skills she has honed out in Belgium this autumn to win the race overall and take the Junior Championship, with Isla Short taking the Senior Championship. In the veteran categories, Roslynn Newman took the V40F title, Anne Murray the V50F title and Fiona Paton the V60F title.

The male veterans all raced together in a race slightly curtailed by the failing light. Chis Buchan prevailed in the V40M in a winning time of just over 33 minutes, Murray Swanson in the V50 and Phil Lacoux taking the title in the V60M race.

In the youth race earlier in the day, Elliot Rowe won the U14M, Millie Thomson the U14F, Frederick Fuller the U16M and Emily Carrick-Anderson the U16F, making it a very successful day for the Carrick-Anderson household (with father Crawford Carrick-Anderson taking silver in the V40M category).

The race was also the 6th round of the Scottish Cyclocross series and not all of the riders in the races were entered/eligible for the Championships. Notable riders in this situation were Brendan Roe and Brenda Callander who despite winning their races did not take the title. The full championship results are on Myeventting.

Many thanks to all the organisers, volunteers and commissaires on a very challenging but ultimately successful championships.


SCX Series Results
